Thursday, April 5, 2018

Native Learning Center Webinar on Indian Land Issues

Indian Land Issues

This course will help land and property owners in understanding the difference in Indian Restricted Fee Land, Tribally Owned Lands, and Trust land, Tribally Owned Land, owned in what is known as Tenancy in Common.  It will cover the history of how the U.S. Government designated “Indian Lands” and what special rules and laws govern Indian Lands. From jurisdiction to private ownership, any lands that are designated as “Indian” carry a special status. It is important to know what type of property one owns for many reasons, including estate planning or financial planning.    

Training Objectives:
·         Explain the intricacies of deeds and titles to land
·         What are the types of land and real property that Indians can own
·         The special considerations Indians have when it comes to owning land and real property

Instructor: Brenda Golden, Esq. (BBA, MBA, J.D)
Date: April 12, 2018
Time: 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

For additional information and to register for the event click here